We have a large selection of baskets containing many provocations for your settings. Each basket includes a variety of objects, perfect to get young children talking about all kinds of subjects from fairytales to food to natural materials.
Treasure baskets are ideal for enriching children’s language as you discuss the various resources within them, model rich descriptive language and introduce new vocabulary. Baskets full of interesting resources equally spark an innate sense of curiosity in children, particularly babies and toddlers, as they eagerly discover the various objects through their senses.
Below, we demonstrate our top 20 basket ideas. Why not create your own from items you already have in your setting? Grab yourself a basket, bag or suitcase and fill with provocations or items related to any theme or topic you choose. Children could also self-select and create their own baskets.
Top Tip: Charity shops and car boot sales are ideal places to source treasures for your baskets.
Ideas: Baskets could contain any of the following: items related to a story, topic, theme, colours, number, the alphabet, food, natural items, animals, insects, everyday objects such as kitchen utensils (mashers, wooden spoons, cutlery, whisk), materials. What would you add to yours?
Two more inspirational blog posts about Treasure Baskets:
- Have you read The appeal of Treasure Baskets by @BeckysTreasureBaskets? Check out Becky’s feed over on Instagram.
The appeal of Treasure Baskets
2. Read our blog post: A suitcase of curiosities and provocations.