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Have your say in the new Birth to 5 Matters guidance – developed by the sector, for the sector.

What is Birth to 5 Matters?

Birth to 5 Matters is a new non-statutory guidance document. It has been developed in response to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) reforms.

Created by the sector, for the sector

Birth to 5 Matters is being created by the Early Years Coalition – a group of leading early years sector organisations. The coalition is working closely with the early years sector by receiving views and feedback through consultations, surveys and webinars. Before the Birth to 5 Matters guidance was developed, the Early Years Coalition produced a review of research in the last 10 years to share evidence with the government which should be used to inform the EYF Statutory documents. This review is called ‘Getting it right in the Early Years Foundation Stage: a review of the evidence’ and can be found here. The review was authored by Professor Chris Pascal, Professor Tony Bertram and Dr Liz Rouse.

The guidance is being created by the sector, for the sector. The aim is to provide EYFS guidance for Early Years practitioners that they have had the chance to have their say in, that fulfils their needs in supporting young children, builds strong foundations for children’s futures and responds to current societal issues. The document builds on and updates the most valuable aspects of previous EYFS guidance and extends this through new research, as well as listening to what the early years sector wants to see.

How can my voice be heard?

The Birth to 5 Matters document is now on its second draft, with the consultation process beginning in February. The final document will be published at the end of March 2021 and can be accessed for free digitally.

By responding to the consultation you can have your say in the future of the early years. It is important to get as many voices heard from the early years sector as possible.

EYFS Birth to 5 Matters: Guidance by the sector, for the sector


Download the document and have your say here on the EYFS Birth to 5 Matters guidance:

With thanks to Angelica Celinska for writing this blog. Angelica has 10 years experience working in the Early Years and Primary sector with a Masters in Early Years Education from the Institute of Education, University College London (UCL).

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