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The new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2021 includes a number of changes. We have created two downloads to support you and your setting in implementing these.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework, the standards that all Ofsted registered early years providers must meet, has undergone a number of changes.

The EYFS changes have come about for the following two main reasons:

  • improve outcomes at age 5, particularly in early language and literacy
  • reduce workload such as unnecessary paperwork, so you can spend more time with the children in your care

We have created two downloads for you to access for a clear view of the changes. Both documents consist of a comparison table with the 2017 and the 2021 areas of learning and Early Learning Goals (ELGs). These downloads can be printed out and displayed in your setting and act as a quick guide and reminder.

Click on the below EYFS downloads to access, save and print

EYFS Areas of Learning:

Download Here

EYFS Early Learning Goals:

Download Here

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