Topic: ICT
Learning with Kitt
Refresh your Bee-Bots and Blue-Bots!
5 ways to use the Recordable Talking Metallic Gold Stars by Hayley Winter
Exciting activity ideas for early years mark making
Re-Introducing the data logger
Be inspired with technology
Bringing joy through light By Ben Kingston-Hughes
Getting started with the Immersive Projector
Data Loggers
Technology Across The Curriculum
Physical Development – Why Is It So Important Right Now?
Win a Rugged Robot – our first ever programmable robot designed for outdoor use!
Inspiring Early Years environments
Design a Bee-Bot jacket
Make a coloured spinner – class STEM project
Bee-Bot – the story behind our TTS developed programmable robot
Programming for children from EYFS to KS2
Outdoor ICT treasure hunt!
Bee-Bot – a teacher’s guide
Creative audio writing – top tips
Coding blues? Bring in the Blue-Bots
A vision for the future, via classroom visualisers?
Every product has a story – Easi-Torch
Every product has a story – Bee-Bot® Floor Robot
Early Years Inspiration – Torch Play
All you need to master the Computing Curriculum!
The Programming Journey: KS1 Computer Science
The Programming Journey
The Bee-Bot App! (Updated 2024)